The Price of a Making a Discovery

While many people love science, few would agree to invest money with very low chances of getting anything in return. Are we at a tipping point in history? The Gothic Cathedral of Science It took decades to go from inception to construction, but here we are: humans have created a machine to explore the deepest … Continue reading The Price of a Making a Discovery

Of Time, Entropy and Consciousness

My fascination with entropy began during my Freshman year, when a colleague suggested me to read a book written by the Nobel laureate Ilya Prigogine . For some reason unknown to me, the Belgian-Russian physicist was awarded the honorary citizenship of my hometown - an honour later awarder to another Nobel laureate, Gerard 't Hooft - so maybe … Continue reading Of Time, Entropy and Consciousness

Why don’t we build a particle accelerator orbiting the Sun?

Disclaimer: this is a blog post, not a paper. Seriously, I'm not suggesting to build such an accelerator, but I believe that by trying to answer this question the reader can learn something about the intriguing realm of accelerator physics. The Large Hadron Collider operating at CERN is the most powerful collider ever built by … Continue reading Why don’t we build a particle accelerator orbiting the Sun?

A Brief History of Entropy pt. 4 – How to Avoid the Communication Breakdown

Pontecchio, Italy, December 8th 1895 A gunshot in the distance marked the beginning of the communication era based on electromagnetic waves. A sunny springtime afternoon, a villa in the heart of Italy's countryside. Guglielmo, son of the marquise Giuseppe Marconi and Annie Jameson (perhaps you tasted the famous whiskey brewed by her father) is a very … Continue reading A Brief History of Entropy pt. 4 – How to Avoid the Communication Breakdown

Has Particle Physics Been Hijacked by ET?

After the two sophons arrive on Earth, their first mission is to locate the high-energy particle accelerators used by humans for physics research and hide within them. At the level of science development on Earth, the basic method for exploring the deep structure of matter is to use accelerated high-energy particles to collide with target … Continue reading Has Particle Physics Been Hijacked by ET?