The Higgs Boson: A God Particle, After All?

Forewords My opinion about this issue shifts as more data are accumulated according to the Bayes theorem, so it may change in the near future after the LHC Run2 starts. Anyway, it seems to me that data are pointing towards J. A. Wheeler's self-aware Universe. What if the truth was that we are afraid of … Continue reading The Higgs Boson: A God Particle, After All?

String Theory for Thirsty Pub Customers

Rumors say that string theorists are vacuum cleaner door-to-door salesmen. Perhaps. So I thought it could have been interesting to shed some light on this topic. Once upon a time (1968), Gabriele Veneziano, an italian physicist, was struggling to find a consistent model for nucelar dynamics. He found a model, but it wasn't as consistent … Continue reading String Theory for Thirsty Pub Customers